Hey Loves .... Today I just wanted to give you a little motivation and inspiration to move forward. So many times we often struggle with image and the constant feeling of having to please others while setting aside our true emotions to do what we feel could bring true happiness to our lives. Well today I just wanted to let you know that life is too short and you shouldn't spend it people pleasing your way through it. Sometimes this world calls for you to let your hair down, be spontaneous, and do something that's just for your pure enjoyment. Book a trip to a place you've always wanted to go, sign up to take a dance class that you've always wanted to take, try out some new recipes and invite your friends over for a dinner party to try it out, run a marathon, go rock climbing, try speed dating, learn how to paint... Whatever is your heart’s desire, forget what others may say or think, grab some Nike's & JUST DO IT!!! This is your life and it's up to you to figure out what story you what to tell and the picture you want to be painted of you. If you always allow others to influence & determine how you live, it's just like hiring a ghost writer. Learn how to be your own author and illustrator of your life story. Until next time, thanks for having your daily Piece of Pie XOXOXO
Monday, October 24, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Embrace the BEAUTIFULNESS of YOU!!!
"I was beautifully and wonderfully made"
HEY LOVES ....This morning after reading an article by Essence magazine's Editor-In-Chief, Constance C.R. White entitled “Our Own Standards of Beauty” (November 2011 issue of Essence Magazine), I decided that every day I am going to wake up & give myself conformation that I was beautifully and wonderfully made. Everything about me is the way it's supposed to be and the fact that I'm ME is why I DAZZLE. And when I step out onto the court of my life, I'm am not going to hesitate to strut a little, because I am the only the me there is, which makes me the BEST and most VALUED Ashleigh "Leighanton'e" McCurdy there ever will be. After coming to this conclusion for myself I then thought, this should be an attitude that every woman should possess, especially my fellow women of color but I know far too many of them do not. So I wanted to just take it upon myself to tell anyone who just might come across this blog that "YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL" because just as Ms. White expresses in the article "Every woman has the right to have her beauty recognized" and should never hesitate to put it on display for the world to admire. Rather than take someone else's assessment of your beauty and attractiveness, learn to trust your own judgment and start forming your own opinions on the matter. We must learn how to appreciate and embrace the person God created us be and remember that He never makes mistakes. So if you're light skin OWN IT , if you're dark skin LOVE IT and if you fall somewhere in between, never let anyone stop you from being WONDERFUL YOU!!!! Always remember to walk with your shoulders back, head held high, a smile on your face, and little strut in your step because GIRL YOU GOTTA GOING ON!!!!
Until next time, thanks for having your daily Piece of PieXOXOXO
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Model Behavior...Halloween Inspirations
Hello Loves!!!! As you all know Halloween is approaching fast and as promised, I decided to bring you some more costume inspirations that would be perfect for the upcoming holiday; and I thought to myself... who or what would be the best subject to draw inspiration from other then the people who get paid to play dress-up and transform themselves everyday... MODELS of course!!!! So I've selected a few snap shots from some editorial pieces that I feel would be great to try to emulate for this Halloween. S/N: If you are looking for Halloween make-up ideas check out: http://seattlechickshavefashion.blogspot.com/ the site is featuring make-up artist @mariancl who has inspirations such as Lion King, Egyptian Goddess, Animal Prints and much, much more. Make sure you go check her out.
Joan Smalls as Micheal Jackson
Joan Smalls as Tupac Shukur
Joan Smalls as Prince
Joan is showing us that with the right outfit and attitude you can pretty much transform yourself into anyone and have fun doing it. And ladies let this be lesson to you... You don't have to just sick to the female influences; step out the box and be creative when choosing your costume. Well until next time... thanks for having your daily Piece of PieXOXOXO
Monday, October 17, 2011
Monday Motivation
Tell him... Baby I'm a STAR tonight
I'm up in the sky tonight
for the world to see
I aint thinkin bout YOU
Baby imma do ME tonight
Said Baby I'm a STAR tonight
I'm up in the sky tonight
So give me one more dream
HAPPY MONDAY LOVES!!!! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Today I thought I would give you guys some Monday Motivation through song (you know, switch it up a bit). As I was growing up my mother would always play different songs and call them them her "Life's Theme Songs" and then she would tell me that everyone should have a song that they can always refer to or play that represented them and the attitude they have on life. She told me that when ever this song is played, it should instantly change your attitude for the better and act as your one stop, pick me up... So today I decided to share my "Life's Theme Song"as my mother would call it. It's titled I'm A Star by Chrisette Michele. This is my instant energy and confidence booster. I absolutely ADORE this song. The lyrics just speak to me and brighten my spirit. I hope after listening to it, it too will become one of your favorites. But before I go I want to leave you with my favorite lyrics to the song, I hope it will somehow encourage and motivate you through the day and the rest of your work week. Until Next time, thanks for having you daily Piece of PieXOXOXO
I'm A Star
Rain starts pouring and it don't stop... Let myself drown no i will not. I just put a smile on my pretty mug. I get right back on my horse and i giddy up. I'm in the sky and I wont drop. Have a piece of my pie no you will not!!! But if you feel like me and it is what it is, then whats it gone be tonight....Friday, October 14, 2011
Support Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Show your support and become a Warrior every time you buy from the Ford Cares website! 100% of the net proceeds from the sale of all Warriors in Pink apparel goes to Susan G. Komen for the Cure®. Join Ford in the fight and shop at: www.fordcares.com and make sure you visit their Facebook page and like!
Read more: http://www.essence.com/erewards#ixzz1anu1Kx7r

Friday, October 14 | 5 – 8 p.m. Enjoy complimentary refreshments while you shop.$35 at the door.

Saturday, October 15 | 10 a.m.– 4 p.m.
New items and bargains throughout the day! Spend $50, save $5. Spend $100, save $10.
New items and bargains throughout the day! Spend $50, save $5. Spend $100, save $10.
Good Afternoon Loves... So as you all know I am totally about uplifting and supporting women to be the best them they can possibly be, so of course I couldn't just ignore the invitation I received today regarding this event. The 9th Annual YWCA CLOSET TREASURES SALE is a two-day fundraising event benefiting Dress for Success Seattle, a YWCA Clothing Services program. The public is invited to purchase new and gently worn designer and name brand merchandise at significant discounts. 100 percent of the proceeds goes back to the program and helps economically disadvantaged women receive professional clothing, acquire jobs, retain employment, and succeed in the mainstream workplace (something EVERYONE should get an opportunity to do). Some of the amazing retail stores that contributed and donated to the cause are My Dressing Room, Velouria Boutique & Gallery,Labels Consignment Clothing, and Kick It Boots & Stompwear. Some brands and designers that will be represented include Valerie Stevens, Ecru, Dooney & Bourke, Prada, Chloe, J.Crew, Neimen Marcus, Ann Taylor, Michael Kors, Manolo Blahnik, St. Johns, and BCBG, just to name a few. This will truly be a fashionistas dream event and I haven’t even said the best part yet; All items are priced starting at $10 and don’t exceed over $100. You literally can get a pair of Manolo Blahnik heels that usually range somewhere between $150, all the way to $500 (and maybe more depending on the season and style) for $35, WHO CAN BEAT THAT and it’s all for a great cause. So be sure to come out and show your support today and tomorrow at the 9th Annual YWCA Closet Treasures Sale at The Bravern located in Downtown Bellevue. So don’t miss this treasure trove of designer, name-brand, and vintage clothing, handbags, shoes, and accessories. A $35 donation/entry fee will be asked at the door tonight but Saturday shopping will be FREE to all who attend. For more information please visit the event webpage at: http://www.ywcaclosettreasures.org/
Until next time....Thanks for having you daily Piece of Pie XOXOXOX
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Truthful Thursday Testimonials
It takes pressure to make a diamond but once it's finished going through the fire it will last
though anything and be around forever.
Nothing in this life comes easy, managing yourself and the life you choose to live is hard work. Life is not and will not be full of sunshine, flowers blooming, and birds chirping every day, no matter how red the rose colored glasses you wear could be. Some days will be rough and things may not work out or go according to plan you have. YOU WILL MAKE MISTAKES!!! But you will also learn and grow through the experience and knowledge gained by making them. It’s the mistakes you have that help shape the character and person you are/become. The key is to never allow you-self to become afraid of the mistakes that are destined to occur. You must embrace them and look forward to the future knowledge/life experience you will gain. Learn how to practice falling will grace so it will be easier to get up with pose.
Don't Trick Yourself...TREAT YOURSELF to these Hollywood, Halloween Inspirations.
As you all know Halloween is right round the corner (18 days to be exact), and even though I have never been one to do whole dress-up thing (I think I was Princess Jasmine from the movie Aladdin, once in elementary school) I still like the whole idea of it. I even was considering it for this year, which is what inspired me for this entry. I was going through some of the costume books I received in mail and thought that none of their selections looked original enough for me try. So then I started looking in my Essense magazine and I came across a picture of Nicki Minaj in her get-up at the MTV Music Awards this year and thought to myself "that's a horrible awards ensemble but it would make a wonderful Halloween costume". This made me go through some more of my magazines and look online for some other famous looks that could easily be transformed into GREAT costumes for Halloween. I came across quite a few and of course I figured I should share them with you all, so you too can get your creative juices flowing and what's so great about this concept is a lot of these things you could probably find in your own closet and won't have to spend a penny or save money by shopping for the recycled looks at thrift stores....
Nikki Minaj
the Creative Genus
As I stated earlier Nikki Minaj may not always have the most fashion forward looks that can be worn everyday but her style and outfits of choice couldn't be considered anything less than creative and unique. Which I feel are two GREAT combinations when it comes to Halloween costumes.
the Queen B of High Fashion Glam
My personal favorite Miss Queen B... Beyonce. Just like our girl Nikki, B's style is unique and truly a look of her own. It is a mix of high glam and dramatic style, which would be perfect if you want to bring out that inner DIVA in you on Halloween. I personally am considering something along these lines. Maybe something like the last picture posted with her and Lady GaGa.
Lady GaGa
the Bold Risk Taker
Speaking of GaGa, you know I couldn't mention her w/o featuring her as a look of choice for this Halloween. Her look is truly one for the risk takers out there because her style is BOLD, flashy, unique, and unless done very carefully one that can not be duplicated. But if done right could and would make a AWESOME costume for this Halloween.
the Diva with a Simplistic Sense of Style
Last but certainly not least we have my girl RIRI ... She too like Beyonce has a look that could be considered high glam and truly fashion forward. Even though her looks are very unique they may be the simplest to emulate for your costume of choice. Her looks could very well be completed by items you may have in your own closet or with items that won't cost you more than a couple of bucks at a thrift/discount store . Either way, to go with a look like hers could save yourself some money and time looking for custom pieces that may not available
So these are just a few ladies whose sense of style would make perfect choices as Halloween costumes but there are hundreds out there. Do your research to see which style icon's look would best fit you. Just be sure to remember whatever you decide, make sure your comfortable and the outfit you choose is one that YOU love. Also, keep a look out for more Halloween costume ideas here on my blog throughout the month.
Until next time... Thanks for having your daily PIECE OF PIE XOXO!!!!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Everything Seems Amazing When You See The View Through Rose Colored Glasses
Happy Thursday Y'all!!!! I am so excited and it's not just because I have 1 more day to the weekend, but I get so happy everytime I come across a new online find. Today while on http://fashionbombdaily.com (which happens to be one of my fav websites BTW) I looked at their Fashion Bombshell of the Day post which featured Charlie, a fashion stylist from LA and from the look's of it, she's very good at what she does. So after reading up on her on Fashion Bomb I decided to go view her blog page (http://theartofcharlie.blogspot.com) and show some love to a fellow blogger chick. On her page I seen some great post and also found out that she also has an embellished eye wear line called BLINDFOLD Eyewear that's based in her hometown of Los Angles, California. After viewing that website (http://bflookbook.carbonmade.com/) I became an instant FAN FAV!!! I love her pieces. They are truly unique and different and something that I wouldn't mind adding to my collection. So you guys should check out her web page and even her FB page http://www.facebook.com/BLINDFOLDEyewear and support her hustle... Thanks for having your daily Piece of Pie, hope you liked it XOXOXO
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
18 Things Every Girl Should Know About Being a Woman
So I recently came across this article in Essence (my favorite magazine and website BTW) from one of the their long time contributors titled "18 Things I Want To Teach My Daughter About Being A Woman" and after reading it I realized that everything said was vital and worth sharing not to just young girls but also women in general, both young and seasoned. This list is something that I will defiantly apply to my life and I hope after reading it you can take some point from it as well.
1. Pray. It sounds cliché, but having a relationship with God will keep you centered, humble and built to not fall
1. Pray. It sounds cliché, but having a relationship with God will keep you centered, humble and built to not fall
apart every time a bad wind blows.
2. Cattiness is a stereotype. Women can compliment each other, genuinely admire one another, and never be in
2. Cattiness is a stereotype. Women can compliment each other, genuinely admire one another, and never be in
competition for a man, a job or anything else. Don’t believe the hype.
3. Never chase a guy. Anyone worth your time won’t make you come after him. If he runs, say bye-bye...
3. Never chase a guy. Anyone worth your time won’t make you come after him. If he runs, say bye-bye...
4. Respect your body. Don’t let yourself be reduced to boobs, butt and hips. They’re just accessories of your
4. Respect your body. Don’t let yourself be reduced to boobs, butt and hips. They’re just accessories of your
beauty, not the whole of your assets.
5. Act like a lady, get treated like a lady. Home training is getting to be more rare than real purses on Canal
5. Act like a lady, get treated like a lady. Home training is getting to be more rare than real purses on Canal
Street, but women who carry themselves with class get that treatment.
6. If he won’t wear a condom, bid him goodnight. Don’t even entertain somebody who would put their own
6. If he won’t wear a condom, bid him goodnight. Don’t even entertain somebody who would put their own
health at risk, let alone yours.
7. Learn from other people’s mistakes. They happened before you for a reason. Take advantage of the
7. Learn from other people’s mistakes. They happened before you for a reason. Take advantage of the
opportunity to get a free life lesson without the headache of the drama.
8. Nude undergarments are your friend. Don’t be one of those chicks who slides white linen slacks over red
8. Nude undergarments are your friend. Don’t be one of those chicks who slides white linen slacks over red
panties and thinks it’s her style that’s stopping traffic.
9. Run far from a guy who doesn’t respect his mama. If he can’t treat the woman who brought him into the
9. Run far from a guy who doesn’t respect his mama. If he can’t treat the woman who brought him into the
world like a queen, he probably isn’t going to do it for you, either.
10. Don’t be afraid to be take risks, but take smart risks. Research, meditate and then be adventurous. A life
10. Don’t be afraid to be take risks, but take smart risks. Research, meditate and then be adventurous. A life
full of regret isn’t a full life.
11. Don’t let your circumstances drain your ambition. Things are, at some point, going to suck. But that
11. Don’t let your circumstances drain your ambition. Things are, at some point, going to suck. But that
doesn’t mean you should stop striving toward your goals.
12. Never, ever expect a man to do for you what you can do for yourself, which is just about everything.
12. Never, ever expect a man to do for you what you can do for yourself, which is just about everything.
If a dude comes along and wants to take care of you, that’s beautiful. But until he shows up -- and in case he never does -- learn how to do as much as you can.
13. Be serious about your money. Take care of your credit and learn how to budget what income you have. And
13. Be serious about your money. Take care of your credit and learn how to budget what income you have. And
don’t get talked into co-signing a loan for anyone. That good credit will be gone quicker than a sobering dude after a one-night stand.
14. Here’s the formula: marriage then babies. There’s a reason the Lord designed it that way. If you’re going
14. Here’s the formula: marriage then babies. There’s a reason the Lord designed it that way. If you’re going
to have sex, there are too many birth control options to wind up knocked up. Protect yourself.
15. Friends are going to come and go. Not everyone is going to be in your life forever. Enjoy them while they’re
15. Friends are going to come and go. Not everyone is going to be in your life forever. Enjoy them while they’re
there but let them go if and when you grow out of them.
16. Take care of yourself. Your health is the most important thing you have, and it fuels the thousand and one
16. Take care of yourself. Your health is the most important thing you have, and it fuels the thousand and one
things you want to do. Work out, eat well and drink water every day, even if you have to force yourself.
17. Laugh. Nobody likes a dud, and being dry and crotchety makes you look old way before your time.
18. Love yourself. Even when you don’t understand yourself, even if you have a muffin top, even if you lose a
17. Laugh. Nobody likes a dud, and being dry and crotchety makes you look old way before your time.
18. Love yourself. Even when you don’t understand yourself, even if you have a muffin top, even if you lose a
tooth. You’re perfectly imperfect.
Read more: http://www.essence.com/2011/09/02/sound-off-18-things-i-want-to-teach-my-daughter-about-being-a-woman/#ixzz1Zqr1UBGM
Read more: http://www.essence.com/2011/09/02/sound-off-18-things-i-want-to-teach-my-daughter-about-being-a-woman/#ixzz1Zqr1UBGM
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