Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday Motivation

Hey Loves .... Today I just wanted to give you a little motivation and inspiration to move forward. So many times we often struggle with image and the constant feeling of having to please others while setting aside our true emotions to do what we feel could bring true happiness to our lives. Well today I just wanted to let you know that life is too short and you shouldn't spend it people pleasing your way through it. Sometimes this world calls for you to let your hair down, be spontaneous, and do something that's just for your pure enjoyment. Book a trip to a place you've always wanted to go, sign up to take a dance class that you've always wanted to take, try out some new recipes and invite your friends over for a dinner party to try it out, run a marathon, go rock climbing, try speed dating, learn how to paint... Whatever is your heart’s desire, forget what others may say or think, grab some Nike's & JUST DO IT!!!  This is your life and it's up to you to figure out what story you what to tell and the picture you want to be painted of you. If you always allow others to influence & determine how you live, it's just like hiring a ghost writer. Learn how to be your own author and illustrator of your life story. Until next time, thanks for having your daily Piece of Pie XOXOXO

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